quarta-feira, 6 de junho de 2012


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UNESCO Education Natural Sciences Social & Human Sciences Culture Communication & Information Close News & Events The List About World Heritage Activities Publications Participate Resources UNESCO » Culture » World Heritage Centre » The List » World Heritage List Search Advanced search Advanced search Select by category Cultural Mixed Natural all Themes Cities Cultural Landscape Forest Marine & coastal Select by media Sites with videos Sites with photo gallery Choose a Region Africa Arab States Asia and the Pacific Europe and North America Latin America and the Caribbean Danger Site: Transboundary Site: Nomination file: Historical Description: Criteria Criteria: with only with Cultural Criteria: i ii iii iv v vi Natural Criteria: vii viii ix x Display all by Display all by Country Region Year Name of the property Search Statistics Bagrati Cathedral and Gelati Monastery Description Maps Documents Gallery Indicators Inscription Year on the List of World Heritage in Danger: 2010 Brief Description The construction of Bagrati Cathedral, named after Bagrat III, the first king of united Georgia, started at the end of the 10th century and was completed in the early years of the 11th century. Although partly destroyed by the Turks in 1691, its ruins still lie in the centre of Kutaisi. The Gelati Monastery, whose main buildings were erected between the 12th and 17th centuries, is a well-preserved complex, with wonderful mosaics and wall paintings. The cathedral and monastery represent the flowering of medieval architecture in Georgia. The construction of Bagrati Cathedral, named after Bagrat III, the first king of united Georgia, started at the end of the 10th century and was completed in the early years of the 11th century. Although partly destroyed by the Turks in 1691, its ruins still lie in the centre of Kutaisi. The Gelati Monastery, whose main buildings were erected between the 12th and 17th centuries, is a well-preserved complex, with wonderful mosaics and wall paintings. The cathedral and monastery represent the flowering of medieval architecture in Georgia. Cathédrale de Bagrati et monastère de Ghélati La cathédrale de Bagrati, du nom de Bagrat III, premier roi de la Géorgie unifiée, fut construite à la fin du Xe et au début du XIe siècle. Elle fut détruite en partie par les Turcs en 1691. Ses ruines s'élèvent au centre de la ville de Kutaïsi. Le monastère de Ghélati, dont les principaux bâtiments furent édifiés du XIIe au XVIIe siècle, est un ensemble bien préservé, riche de mosaïques et de peintures murales. La cathédrale et le monastère représentent l'épanouissement de l'architecture médiévale de Géorgie. كاتدرائية باغراتي ودير غيلاتي شُيّدت كاتدرائية باغراتي التي حملت اسم باغرات الثالث، الملك الأول لجيورجيا الموحدة في أواخر القرن العاشر وفي مطلع القرن الحادي عشر، ودمّرها الأتراك تدميراً جزئياً عام 1691. وتقوم أنقاض الكاتدرائية وسط مدينة كتيسي. ودير غيلاتي الذي ُشيدت أبنيته الأساسية بين القرن الثاني عشر والقرن السابع عشر يشكل مجموعة تمّ صونها بشكل جيد، وتزخر بالفسيفساء والرسوم الجدارية. ويدلّ كلا الكاتدرائية والدير على ازدهار هندسة جيورجيا في القرون الوسطى. Source: UNESCO/BPI 巴格拉特大教堂及格拉特修道院 巴格拉特大教堂是因袭了格鲁吉亚统一后第一代君主巴格拉特三世(Bagrat III)的英名,于10世纪末动工修建,并于11世纪初完工。部分建筑在1691年遭到土耳其人摧毁,但遗迹仍保存在库塔伊西市中心。格拉特修道院的主建筑物于12世纪至17世纪期间兴建。这是一处保存良好的建筑群,镶嵌工艺精湛,壁画十分精美。大教堂和修道院代表了中世纪格鲁吉亚建筑的繁盛。 Source: UNESCO/ERI Кафедральный собор Баграти и монастырь Гелати (город Кутаиси и окрестности) Сооружение собора Баграти, названного в честь Баграта III, первого царя объединенной Грузии, началось в конце X в. и завершилось в начале XI в. Собор был частично разрушен турками в 1691 г., но его руины и поныне можно наблюдать в центре города Кутаиси. Монастырь Гелати, в пригородах Кутаиси, был основан в начале XII в. Он представляет собой хорошо сохранившийся ансамбль, богатый древними мозаиками и фресками. И собор, и монастырь иллюстрируют расцвет средневековой архитектуры в Грузии. Source: UNESCO/ERI Catedral de Bagrati y monasterio de Ghelati La catedral de Bagrati debe su nombre a Bagrat III, primer rey de la Georgia unificada. Edificada entre finales del siglo X y principios del XI, esta iglesia fue parcialmente destruida por los turcos en 1691. Sus ruinas se conservan en el centro de la ciudad de Kutaisi. Los edificios principales del monasterio de Ghelati fueron construidos entre los siglos XII y XVII y forman un conjunto bien conservado, con numerosos mosaicos y pinturas murales. La catedral y el monasterio son exponentes del florecimiento de la arquitectura medieval en Georgia. Source: UNESCO/ERI バグラティ大聖堂とゲラティ修道院 source: NFUAJ Other Languages: English French Arabic Chinese Russian Spanish The Gelati Monastery © Sacred Sites / Martin Gray More pictures ... Long Description Gelati Monastery is of special importance for its architecture, its mosaics, its wall paintings, and its enamel and metal work. It was not simply a monastery: it was a centre of science and education, and the Academy established there was one of the most important centres of culture in ancient Georgia. The monastery belongs to the 'golden age' of medieval Georgia, a period of political strength and economic growth between the reigns of King David IV 'the Builder' (1089-1125) and Queen Tamar (1184-1213). It was David who began building the monastery in 1106; it was completed in 1130 in the reign of his son and successor Demetré. Buildings were added to the monastery throughout the 13th and early 14th centuries, but there ensued a period of foreign invasion and internal feuds which resulted in much damage being incurred, culminating in the destruction by fire of the church in 1510 by Turkish invaders. Restoration work began in the early 16th century when it became the residence of the Katholikos of western Georgia, and continued throughout the 17th and 18th centuries. Gelati Monastery escaped the Turkish invasion, but it lost its episcopal role in the early 19th century when Georgia was annexed by Russia. Bagrati Cathedral is located on a hill on the left bank of the Rioni, and it is reached by a long, winding stairway. Although partly destroyed by the Turks in 1691, its ruins still lie in the centre of Kutaisi. Richly ornamented capitals and fragments of piers and vaulting are scattered throughout the interior. It is cruciform in plan; three of the cross-arms (east, south, and north) terminate in semicircular apses whereas the west arm is squared off. Different approaches can be seen in the decorative treatment of the facades, the capitals, and the bases, resulting from the preferences of successive master-builders. Not long after the main building was completed a three-storey tower was constructed on its north-west corner. It is believed that this was the residence of the Bishop of Kutaisi. The monastery precinct is enclosed by a stone wall, now entered from the east but originally through the south porch, which houses the tomb of its founder, David the Builder. The main church is in the centre of the enclosure, flanked by the Church of St George to the west and the two-storeyed Church of St Nicholas and the Academy building behind it. The exterior mass of the church is relieved by the decorative arcading on all its facades, which emphasize the upward thrust of its forms. The interior, surmounted by the large dome, combines space and solemnity, with light streaming in from many windows. The main entrance, of three doors, is from the west; the eye is immediately caught by the famous 12th-century mosaic in the conch of the apse, depicting the Virgin and Child with two archangels in colour against a gold background. The frescoes covering the walls are later: they depict biblical scenes and historical personages, including David IV. The Church of St George is a tall, domed structure of the 13th century with three projecting apses. The dome is supported by two massive stone columns and the apse angles. It is well lit by many windows and there are fragments of the original wall paintings preserved in the west porch; those in the main church are from the 16th century. The late 13th-century Church of St Nicholas is an unusual structure: it is two-storeyed and the ground floor is open on all sides through arches. The small domed church proper is on the upper floor, approached by a stone stairway. It is polyhedral in form and surmounts the massive lower section. A stone vaulted canopy on four columns was built in the 12th century over the spring to the north of the main church. In the 13th century a room and open, arched bell tower were added to this structure. The Academy building dates from the reign of David the Builder. It is a large structure lit by wide arched windows. A richly decorated porch was added in the 14th century to the centre of the three original entrances. The walls were originally painted, and stone seats are arranged along the walls. Source: UNESCO/CLT/WHC Historical Description [in French only] Les plus anciens éléments relatifs à Kutaïssi découverts à ce jour remontent au 6ème siècle de notre ère, période où l'Empire byzantin et la Perse combattirent pour conquérir la Géorgie. A cette époque, Kutaïssi était une ville typique du début du moyen âge avec une forteresse au sommet d'une colline surplombant une ville ceinte de murs et construite à l'endroit où un pont enjambait la rivière Rioni. Au cours de la première moitié du Sème siècle, pendant le règne du roi Archil, la ville connut une très forte expansion. Elle fut choisie comme résidence royale au milieu du Sème siècle quand la Géorgie orientale fut occupée par les Arabes ; elle connut son apogée aux 10 et llèmes siècles. La construction de la cathédrale de Bagrat, sur l'ordre de Bagrat III, premier roi de la Géorgie unifiée, commença pendant le dernier quart du 10ème siècle et fut terminée au tout début du 11ème siècle. Cette nouvelle étape de l'évolution architecturale de la ville symbolisa la fin des luttes engagées pour unifier le pays. La cathédrale fut consacrée en grande pompe en présence des représentants de toutes les régions de Géorgie. Le monastère de Ghélati appartient à "l'Age d'or" de la Géorgie médiévale, période de solidité politique et de croissance économique qui dura pendant le règne du roi David IV (le Constructeur) et celui de la reine Thamar. David commença la construction du monastère en 1106 ; elle fut terminée en 1130 sous le règne de son fils et successeur Demetré. L'une de ses fonction fut de servir de lieu de sépulture à la famille royale de Géorgie. C'est pourquoi, il devint un domaine royal. Autre destination, le monastère abrita l'Académie, projet cher au cœur d'un roi érudit. L'Académie entre autres projets, traduisit en géorgien des textes religieux et séculiers et enseigna de nombreux sujets. Des bâtiments furent ajoutés au monastère tout au long du 13ème et au début du 14ème siècle mais il arriva une période d'invasions et de révoltes internes qui provoquèrent de nombreux dégâts jusqu'à ce qu'en 1510, les envahisseurs Turcs soient à l'origine d'un incendie qui détruisit l'église. Les travaux de restauration commencèrent dès le début du 16ème siècle quand le monastère devint la résidence du katolicos de Géorgie occidentale ; ils se poursuivirent aux 17ème et 18ème siècle. En 1691, les Turcs envahirent à nouveau la Géorgie et firent sauter la cathédrale : les toits et le dôme s'effondrèrent. Les porches sud et ouest restèrent intacts jusqu'à la fin du 19ème siècle mais ils sont également en ruines aujourd'hui. Le monastère de Ghélati échappa à la destruction mais perdit son rôle épiscopal au début du 19ème siècle quand la Géorgie fut annexée par la Russie. Source: Advisory Body Evaluation News World Heritage Committee inscribes Bagrati Cathedral and Gelati Monastery (Georgia) on List of World Heritage in Danger Jul 29, 2010 Links View photos from OUR PLACE the World Heritage collection Gelati's frescos, (Georgian Parliament) Ancient Monuments of Georgia, (Georgian Parliament) Georgia City of Kutaisi, Region of Imereti N42 15 43.992 E42 42 59.004 Date of Inscription: 1994 Criteria: (iv) Property : 7.87 ha Buffer zone: 11 ha Ref: 710 World Heritage Map is loading.. please wait Dados do mapaImagens ©2012 NASA, TerraMetrics - Termos de UsoDados do mapa Imagens ©2012 NASA, TerraMetrics Imagens ©2012 NASA, TerraMetricsInformar erro no mapa+•-RoadHybrsatReliefNews Links If you have been to Bagrati Cathedral and Gelati Monastery recently, please give us feedback through our partner TripAdvisor Global Strategy Criteria Tentative Lists World Heritage List Nominations World Heritage List New Inscriptions Interactive Map World Heritage in Danger The List in Danger Success Stories Donate Now Donate now and help preserve World Heritage sites TripAdvisor is working in partnership with UNESCO World Heritage Centre to help protect and preserve the world's greatest landmarks The 36th session (2012) Documents Registration Accommodation & Visa Committee sessions Statutory Documents More sessions... 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